Monday, December 20, 2010

Define proportional band (pb) or gain or band width? Example problem for proportional band calculation?

Definition of ON-OFF controller:
The term proportional band is commonly used among process control engineers in place of the term gain. Proportional band (pb) is defined as the error (expressed as a percentage of the range of measured variable) required to move the valve from fully closed to fully open. A frequently used synonym is bandwidth.

Example 1.  A pneumatic proportional controller is used to control temperature within the range of 60 to 1OO”E The controller is adjusted so that the output pressure goes from 3 psi (valve fully open) to 15 psi (valve fully closed) as the measured temperature goes for 71 to 75’ F with the set point held constant. Find the gain and
the proportional band.


Now assume that the proportional band of the controller is changed to 75 percent. Find the gain and the temperature change necessary to cause a valve to go from fully open to fully closed.

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