Average enrgy calculation involves both Displacement of the selected particle and LJ potential calculation
// Displacement of particle and Acceptance of Move
subroutine displace(success, ihs)
Use sp
Use xyz
Use randmod
Use moves
Use tmmod
implicit none
logical :: success
integer :: ihs,i
integer :: mol
real,dimension(1:5) :: xold, yold, zold
real,dimension(1:5) :: xnew, ynew, znew
real :: dx, dy, dz, xo,yo,zo,xn,yn,zn
real :: emffnew, emffold, ioneffold, ioneffnew, ioneffold1, ioneffnew1
real :: emwfnew, emwfold, ionewfnew, ionewfold, ionewfnew1, ionewfold1
real :: de, dlnpsi
success = .false.
emffnew = 0
emffold = 0
emwfnew = 0
emwfold = 0
ioneffold = 0
ioneffold1 = 0
ioneffnew = 0
ioneffnew1 = 0
ionewfold = 0
ionewfold1 = 0
ionewfnew = 0
ionewfnew1 = 0
pacc = 0.0
if( Nmol == 0 ) return
ihs = 1
if( ran2(Seed) > 0.33 ) ihs = 2
if( ihs == 1 ) then
dx = 0.0
dy = 0.0
dz = ( 2.0 * ran2(Seed) - 1.0 ) * dh * bh
dx = ( 2.0 * ran2(Seed) - 1.0 ) * ds * bs
dy = ( 2.0 * ran2(Seed) - 1.0 ) * ds * bs
dz = 0.0
end if
mol = int( Nmol * ran2(Seed) ) + 1
if (mol .eq. Nmol) then
xo = Xr
yo = yr
zo = zr
xn = xo + dx
yn = yo + dy
zn = zo + dz
if( xn > bs ) xn = xn - bs * aint( xn / bs )
if( yn > bs ) yn = yn - bs * aint( yn / bs )
if( nwalls == 0 .and. zn > bh ) zn = zn - bh * aint( zn / bh )
if( nwalls > 0 .and. zn > bh ) return
if( xn < 0.0 ) xn = xn - bs * aint( xn / bs - 1.0 )
if( yn < 0.0 ) yn = yn - bs * aint( yn / bs - 1.0 )
if( nwalls == 0 .and. zn < 0.0 ) zn = zn - bh * aint( zn / bh - 1.0 )
if( nwalls > 0 .and. zn < 0.0 ) return
call ljmoleculeion(ioneffold,ionewfold)
call ljmoleculeion1(ioneffold1,ionewfold1)
ioneffold = (1-lambda) * ioneffold + (lambda * ioneffold1)
Xr = xn
Yr = yn
Zr = zn
call ljmoleculeion(ioneffnew,ionewfnew)
call ljmoleculeion1(ioneffnew1,ionewfnew1)
ioneffnew = (1-lambda) * ioneffnew + (lambda * ioneffnew1)
de = (ioneffnew + ionewfnew ) - (ioneffold + ionewfold)
xold(:) = X(mol,:)
yold(:) = Y(mol,:)
zold(:) = Z(mol,:)
xnew = xold + dx
ynew = yold + dy
znew = zold + dz
do i=1,5
if( xnew(i) > bs ) xnew(i) = xnew(i) - bs * aint( xnew(i) / bs )
if( ynew(i) > bs ) ynew(i) = ynew(i) - bs * aint( ynew(i) / bs )
if( nwalls == 0 .and. znew(i) > bh ) znew(i) = znew(i) - bh * aint( znew(i) / bh )
if( nwalls > 0 .and. znew(i) > bh ) return
if( xnew(i) < 0.0 ) xnew(i) = xnew(i) - bs * aint( xnew(i) / bs - 1.0 )
if( ynew(i) < 0.0 ) ynew(i) = ynew(i) - bs * aint( ynew(i) / bs - 1.0 )
if( nwalls == 0 .and. znew(i) < 0.0 ) znew(i) = znew(i) - bh * aint( znew(i) / bh - 1.0 )
if( nwalls > 0 .and. znew(i) < 0.0 ) return
end do
call ljmolecule(mol, emffold, emwfold)
X(mol,:) = xnew(:)
Y(mol,:) = ynew(:)
Z(mol,:) = znew(:)
call ljmolecule(mol, emffnew, emwfnew)
de = ( emffnew + emwfnew ) - ( emffold + emwfold )
dlnpsi = - beta * de
pacc = -beta * de
if ( de > 2160.0) then
!write(*,*)' problem is in displaces stop stop stop stopstop*************************',mol
write(*,*)' change',ihs,dx,dy,dz,de
write(*,*) ' energies', emffnew,emffold
! write(*,*)' xold', xold
! write(*,*)' yold', yold
!write(*,*)' zold', zold
!write(*,*)' xnew', xnew
!write(*,*)' ynew', ynew
!write(*,*)' znew', znew
end if
if( pacc < 0.0 ) then
pacc = exp(pacc)
pacc = 1.0
end if
if( log( ran2(Seed) ) < dlnpsi ) then
success = .True.
!ebff = ebff + emffnew - emffold + ioneffnew - ioneffold
ebwf = ebwf + emwfnew - emwfold + ionewfnew - ionewfold
if (mol .eq. Nmol) then
xr = xo
yr = yo
zr = zo
X(mol,:) = xold(:)
Y(mol,:) = yold(:)
Z(mol,:) = zold(:)
end if
end subroutine displace
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