Monday, August 16, 2010



Suction pressure – is the pressure measured at the compressor cylinder inlet flange.

Discharges pressure – is the total pressure measured at the discharge flange of the compressor

Compression ratio – is the ratio of the absolute discharge pressure to absolute suction pressure.

Top dead centre (TDC) - is the outer (at cylinder end) dead centre of the piston stroke

Bottom dead centre (BDC) – is the inner (crank side) dead centre of the piston stroke

Stroke – It is the distance traversed by the piston in moving between two dead centres (top and Bottom)

Suction volume – is the volume of gas that enters the compressor in each unit of time.

Piston displacement – is the volume of a gas displaced in a stroke

Volumetric efficiency – is the ratio of actual capacity of compressor to displacement (theoretical capacity)

Compression capacity – is ratio of the theoretical horsepower to indicated horsepower.

Mechanical efficiency – is the ratio of the indicated horsepower to the break horsepower delivered at the shaft.

Overall efficiency – is the product of compression efficiency and mechanical efficiency.

Compressor capacity - is expressed in ICFM (intake cubic feet per minute) or ACFM (actual cubic feet per minute) at intake conditions.

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