Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Basic questions on Pumps

Question 1: Does excessive amount of air at the pump suction cause cavitation?

Answer: No. Air has nothing to do with it. Cavitation is caused by the collapsing (imploding) vapor (not air) bubbles. These bubbles are simply a vaporized liquid in the region where static pressure dropped below vapor pressure. Air causes other problems, such as air locking, and even a very small amount of it causes significant loss of performance (head drops), but this is a different subject.


Question 2: Can a gear pump "lift" liquid? What is dry lift?

Answer: Yes. Gear pumps have good lift characteristics, in the range of 5-20 feet, depending on the particular design. Lift characteristics of a gear pump improves significantly if even a minute amount of liquid is initially allowed to "wet" the internals, which is often the case if a pump was tested at the factory, and some residual liquid remains, or intentionally pre-lubed at the site. This minute amount of liquid acts as a capillary barrier in the clearances, preventing air from escaping back to suction during startup at lift. With no pre-lube, gear pump will still lift, but not as good.


Question 3: What determines number of stages of the progressing cavity pumps?

Answer: Number of stages depends on several factors, with the main one is total differential pressure. Typically, a stage is added for each 75-100 psi. For example, a 300 psi differential would require 4-5 stages. Manufacturers catalog provides different curves for different stage number designs.


Question 4: Is it true that if centrifugal pump runs in reverse, it will generate zero head?

Answer: No. As a rule of thumb, a centrifugal pump running in reverse generates approximately half of its rated head. However, such operation is very inefficient, and motor horsepower would be much higher, as compared with half head operation of a pump running at the correct rotation.
Question 5: "How Does Pump Suction Limit the Flow?"

Answer:True, BEP is what a pump designed for, and it would be best if it operated there. However, since the actual operating point is an intersection between the pump curve and a system curve - the pump ends up operating all over its curve, because the system curve changes. Imagine a discharge valve slowly closing - the system curve (which looks like a parabola) will become steeper - and will intersect the pump curve at lower flow. Same for the opposite - if valve is opening - the system curve becomes "shallower", and will intersect the pump curve at higher flow. Intersection exactly at BEP is purely coincidental - if the discharge valve is set to make the system curve go right thru the BEP point at the pump curve.
Now, what happens if the valve opens wide enough to get the system curve intersect way past the BEP, at high flow? Keep in mind that a NPSHr curve also looks like a parabola with flow - it rises sharply at higher flow, past BEP. As it does, the NPSHR gets higher and, eventually, exceeds NPSA (available) - thus cavitation begins.
At low flow, cavitation is not a problem, but "other bad things" happen - the low flow becomes insufficient to "fill the impeller eye", and becomes sporadic, pulsing, etc. - causing pump vibrations, and even mechanical damage.
Question 6: Please discuss how pumping water differs from pumping 40% Propylene Glycol. Does the impeller have to change trim to produce the same flow and head with a more viscous solution?
Blankin Equipment

Answer: Centrifugal pumps work best on relatively “thin” (i.e. low viscosity)fluids. The fluid velocities inside the passages of centrifugal pumps are generally much higher then in positive displacement pumps – and higher velocities mean more viscous drag, i.e. lower efficiencies. Typically, centrifugals are not used above 100 cP or so, although there are exceptions. Hydraulic Institute Standards have a chart to de-rate the pump flow, head and efficiency (which then allows you to calculate horsepower), as a function of viscosity.
Using this chart, a new (de-rated) H-Q and efficiency curves can be constructed. The impeller diameter is then determined as usual, using the affinity laws.
Question 7: What is the effect of the degree of saturation of dissolved gasses on NPSH? Compare 100 deg F de-aerated water in a tank with a bladder pressured to 10 psig with a tank without a bladder for the same temperature and pressure, with the pressure provided by, say, a nitrogen bottle causing the water to be saturated with nitrogen.

Answer: There is definitely an effect. The dissolved gas changes the molecular interaction of the liquid in which it is dissolved. Chemical engineers are familiar with this phenomenon via Henry’s Law, and Oswald coefficient, which relates the V/L (void fraction – the freed-up gas volume to liquid volume ratio) as function of saturation pressure and actual pressure of the mixture. This is not to be confused with the effect of free gas on pump suction performance, and neither it has anything to do, directly, with cavitation (which is caused by vaporization of liquid and subsequent collapse of vapor bubbles). The dissolved (not free) gas affects the “ability” of a liquid to become vapor when the pressure drops.
In practice, a good example are cooling water tower double-suction pumps, where the incoming water has been so well aerated when passing through the tower - that a significant amount of air stays dissolved, and reduces the NPSHA. The NPSH margin (NPSHA-NPSHR) for these pumps is not significant to begin with, and with air affecting the NPSHA, the propensity for these pumps to “get in NPSH trouble” is real. As an estimate, the reduction of NPSHA for these pumps is about 1-3 feet.
In your case, you should be OK if NPSH margin is good. Also, even if some nitrogen dissolved in water, it will probably stay dissolved and will not come out of the solution at the low pressure inlet areas, because of the time delay – it flows through quickly. In the cooling tower example, the water stays well dispersed in order to get cooled, i.e. the surface area is extremely enlarged, and air can easily get in.

Question 8: Explain about
1)backward curved blades
2)forward curved blades
3)comparison of above
4)which is more advantageous and why?

Answer: The shape of the blades depends on the details of the hydraulic design. A centrifugal pump operates on a principle of imparting an angular momentum to a fluid, i.e. literally the fluid must change direction as it passes through the impeller blade cascade. In other words, there is an exchange of energy, as a mechanical torque is transmitted from the motor shaft to, ultimately, the hydraulic energy, which manifests itself in building a pump pressure. Hydraulic designers refer to this as “velocity triangles”: one at the impeller blade inlet, and another at the exit. A velocity triangle has peripheral velocity (U), absolute velocity (V), and relative velocity (W), as shown below, with impeller rotating clockwise:
Figure Q8-1 “Backward-curved” blades, - most pump impeller designs
The ability of building up pressure depends directly on product U x Vtheta , which means that for higher pressure the impeller OD must be larger, or the pump should rotate faster – these make velocity “U” vector longer. The relative velocity vector (W), including its magnitude and direction, must be such that the velocity triangle closes-up to produce the desired pressure and flow. For most centrifugal pumps, this relative velocity vector ends up (anti-intuitively) “backward”, against the direction of the velocity “U”. The angle between the vectors U and W is called a relative flow angle “beta”, and the blade angle is set approximately equal to that. This angle “beta” ranges between 10O to 35o , for most single-stage centrifugal pumps, but, at higher values of Specific Speed (NS), such as turbine pumps, it can be as high as 40o to 50o
Some machinery has significant space limitations, such as car hydraulic transmissions. There, it is not possible to “beef-up” velocity U by large impeller OD, and the only option is to curve the blades “forward”, to still create a large velocity Vtheta , and thus build up the same pressure as was in Fig. Q8-1 above:
Figure Q8-2 Special “forward-leaning” blades, such as in a pump of a hydraulic transmission
While this allows significant size reduction, the downside is low efficiency, because the absolute flow velocity becomes too large, and would result in increased hydraulic losses for a “normal” pump. In hydraulic transmission, however, there is a pressure recovery turbine, which sits immediately after the pump. The blades of the turbine wheel are also curved in a “funny fashion”, to accommodate and match the exit velocity triangle of a pump. Thus, the turbine “picks up and recovers” the velocities produced by the pump.
As most pump impellers discharge directly into a volute, or a diffuser, without having a special recovery turbine wheel following the pump impeller, the majority of the designs have backward-leaning blades.

Plate Type Heat Exchangers

Plate Type Heat Exchangers are useful in low pressure operations. These type of heat exchangers give maximum heat transfer rates but the performance is limited due gasket failure at high pressure and high temperatures. In this type number of plates are connected with the help of gaskets to give maximum surface area for heat transfer.

Plate type heat exchangers contains a large number of corrugated metal plates according to the pressure of operations these will be fixed as a bundle. These are useful in medium and low pressure operations.

Advantages of plate type Heat exchangers:

  • High surface area(high heat transfer rates)
  • Compact in size(Occupies less area for installation)
  • Very useful in case of  handling refrigerants like NH3,  Ethylene oxide etc.
  • Compared to other heat exchangers cost of installation and fabrication is also low.
  • Easy of cleaning: Heat exchanger can be easily dismantled for inspection and cleaning.
  • Give good results for low temperature operations.
  • It can not be used for vacuum operations because of it's compact plate structure there is a change for rupture of plates.

Disadvantages of plate type Heat exchangers:
  • Can not with stand high pressures, due to gasket failure at high pressures.
  • It can not be used in handling dirty liquids because, as the plates are very close to each other there may be a chance of clogging.
  • Cannot be used for High temperature operations as there is a chance of melting of gasket at localized points
  • Pressure drop across the Heat Exchanger is high which in turn will increase our pumping cost.
  • Maximum possibility of leakage is also a disadvantage in this one.

Heat Transfer Equation

Simple equation Q=UA∆T

Q = Total heat transfer rate
U = Overall Heat transfer coefficient
A = Heat transfer area
∆T = Temperature difference of cold and hot streams


Cleaning is the main issue with these type of heat exchangers. Some times these requires chemical cleaning to avoid damage to the plate because of hydrojetting.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fluid Viscosity(Definition and units)


Resistance to flow is know as viscosity. Denoted using 'µ'. According to Newton's Law shear stress in the fluid is directly proportional to it's viscosity.
This fluid viscosity plays a major role in many engineering applications, like petroleum industries, chemical and fertilizers, coating & printing, food processing etc.

Ƭ = µ  dv/dy

Ƭ = Shear stress
dv/dy = Velocity gradient
µ =   Viscosity of fluid
The fluids which follows this linearity between shear stress and velocity gradient (shear rate ) are know as 'Newtonian Fluids'. Most of the gases and liquids are Newtonian fluids. Those fluids don't follow this linear relationship are known as "Non Newtonian Fluids"
Some of the "Non Newtonian Fluids" are Bingham plastics, Pseudo plastics, and Dialatant.

Bingham plastics:
Bingham plastics requires some threshold energy or yield stress (To) to start flowing as a material. The behavior is as shown in figure-1. In figure-1 it is denoted as Curve-4.

The representation of this stress is as shown below,

Τ = To + μ (dV/dY)
Ƭ       = Shear stress
dv/dy = Velocity gradient
To     = Yield stress.
µ       =   Viscosity of fluid

Example for Bingham plastics are: Sewage sludge, Tooth paste.

The following figure shows the behavior of various types of fluids with it's shear rate.

Inferences from the above diagram

  • Incase of Newtonian fluids T varies linearly with shear (Curve - 2)
  • Incase of Pseudo plastics viscosity decreases with increase in shear stress (Curve-1). This is called "shear rate thinning" behavior.
  • Incase of Dialatants  viscosity increases with increase in shear stress (Curve-3). This is called "shear rate thickening" behavior.
  • Incase of bingham plastics after some yield stress (To), shows the  linear behavior between shear stress and shear rate. 
Pseudo plastics: 
The fluids which shows decrease in viscosity with increasing shear stress (shear thinning) are known as pseudo plastics.It is an example of non Newtonian fluid and it's behavior is as shown in the figure-1.
  Examples: Lava,Blood, paint and nail polish.
A dialatant material is one which shows increase in viscosity with increasing shear stress(Shear thickening). It is an example of non Newtonian fluid and it's behavior is as shown in the figure-1.
Examples: Quick sand.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Enthalpy(Definition, Equation), Change in Enthalpy Calculations

Enthalpy(Definition, Equation)

Enthalpy is defined as the internal energy 'U' plus product of Pressure and Volume

H = U + PV

Change in Enthalpy is give by the following Equation

dH = dU + PdV + VdP

But dU = TdS - PdV

So  dH = TdS - PdV +  PdV + VdP

dH = TdS  + VdP

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



For More Interview Questions Click Here  

For More Interview Questions Click Here 
  1. What is the Driving force for fluid flow?    Answer

  2. Pressure drop equation for horizontal pipe line in laminar flow condition?    Answer

  3. Pressure drop equation for Inclined pipe line in laminar flow condition?(Inclination by an angle )     Answer

  4. Draw the inclined manometer diagram?    Answer

  5. Write the pressure drop equation for inclined manometer?    Answer

  6. Use of inclined manometer?    Answer

  7. What are differences between pipe and tube?    Answer

  8. Types of pumps?    Answer

  9. Draw the centrifugal pump diagram and show the impeller and fluid flow direction?     Answer

  10. Definition of NPSH?    Answer

  11. Why cavitation will occur in Centrifugal Pumps?. why not in displacement pumps?    Answer

  12. NPSH calculation for suction lift?    Answer

  13. NPSH calculation for suction Head?    Answer

  14. Determine whether cavitation will occur in the following condition or not? Water at 70 C ,Datum height 5 m (for suction lift condition), & tank is exposed to atm.    Answer

  15. Units of viscosity?    Answer

  16. Difference between Kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity?    Answer

  17. Write the forces acting on particle falling in fluid?    Answer

  18. How to write particle Nre?    Answer

  19. How to calculate particle diameter?    Answer

  20. What is minimum fluidization velocity?    Answer

  21. How to calculate minimum fluidization velocity?    Answer

  22. What is the Driving force for Mass Transfer?    Answer

  23. What is the Difference between partial condenser and total condenser?    Answer

  24.  If column Delta P decreases what happens to the purity?(In this case it is assumed that bottom pressure is constant)    Answer

  25. What is the Driving force for Evaporation?    Answer

  26. In which column  Delta P is high ?(Packed column or tray column)    Answer

  27. When we will choose packed column?    Answer

  28. What is minimum reflux ratio?    Answer

  29. How to calculate minimum reflux ratio?    Answer

  30. Draw the x-y diagram?    Answer

  31. Explain Me cab thiele method?    Answer

  32. Why reaction will takes place?    Answer

  33. C + O2 ---------- CO2 when this reaction is feasible?    Answer

  34. What are the differences between MFR and PFR?    Answer

  35. Write the performance equations for MFR, PFR and Batch Reactors?    Answer

  36. A ---k1--- R---k2---- S for the above reaction draw the selectivity diagram when k1 greater than  k2 and k1 less than k2?    Answer

  37. How to find out the order of the reaction?    Answer

  38. A-------R is a nth order reaction. For above reaction how to select a reactor type? and which reactor will give more conversion for same volume of the reactor?    Answer

  39. How to calculate the reactor volume using graphical method for MFR and PFR?    Answer

  40. What is the driving force for Heat Transfer?    Answer

  41. Classification of heat exchangers?    Answer

  42. Draw 1-1 Heat Exchanger?    Answer

  43. Draw 1-2 Heat Exchanger?     Answer 
  44. Which Heat Exchanger is efficient 1-1 or 1-2? and Why?    Answer
  45. In a 1-1 Heat exchanger shell side fluid is steam at 100 C and it is leaving as water at 100C which flow pattern will give more Heat transfer? and why?    Answer
   46. How to calculate U(Overall heat transfer coefficient)?    Answer 

47. Draw the temperature profiles for 1-1 heat exchanger in parallel and counter flow conditions?    Answer
  48.Why Don't we use odd number of tube passes in  Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger? Answer
  49.What is the difference between DCS and PLC? Answer 
        50. For the given problem below find the rate of change of 'h' w.r.t 't' using appropriate   assumptions? Answer

    51 .Write force bance on rotameter float and write advantages and     disadvantages? Answer 


    Q: Where does the head gets developed in a centrifugal compressors?

    Q: What is pressure ratio of a compressor:

    Q: What sort of bearings are used for high speed compressors?

    Q: In what services centrifugal compressors are used? Answer

    Q: How reliable are centrifugal compressors?

    Q: In what services barrel compressors are used?

    Q: What are side-stream compressors?

    Q: How the compressors are sealed?

    Q: What type of seals are used for air compressor?

    Q: Whether online cleaning is used for compressors?

    Q: Can centrifugal compressors tolerate high molecular weight fluctuations?

    Q: What is surging?

    Q: How is surging harmful?

    Q: What type of seals are more reliable in hazardous services?

    Q: What should be the seal configurations in hydrocarbon services?

    Q: How does on identify seal leakage?

    Q: What are compressor protections?

    Q: Are liquids in the process detrimental to compressors?

    Q: What is turndown?

    For More Interview Questions Click Here 

    For More Interview Questions Click Here 

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